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 GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO

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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyThu Apr 03, 2014 1:35 pm

GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Original_gormaru_gamma_horror_of_the_deepofficial__by_boogie209-db1969x

Gormaru (Gamma Horror of the Deep!)
Height: 100 Meters
Mass: 120,000 tons
Gamma Breath: By infusing overcharged pools of gamma radiation with explosive bio-chemicals and the Outer Core liquid within his body. Gormaru is capable of exhaling a flaming stream of molten gamma radiation from his maw. Scorching everything into melted smoldering ruin.

Gamma Bomb: If charged long enough before the ignited release, Gormaru's Gamma Breath can denote a huge gamma blast powerful enough to decimate entire mountains! This charged up form of the Gamma Breath however takes a few moments to gather, and ultimately exhaust his gamma reserves for a certain amount of time. It use, inevitably forces potential tooth and claw combat until his reserves are restored again.  

Burrowing Ability: Gormaru is also capable of burrowing underground. Doing either usually creates terrible seismic earthquakes and undersea volcanic eruptions given his tremendous mass.

Bio-Adaption: When injured or heavily wounded, Gormaru's body will memorize the intensity and material of the attack that damaged its cells and tissue. Biologically adapting itself from the damage's feedback to better handle the assault should it strike once again. This adaption takes a long period of time, and many painful confrontations for the process to finish entirely. But once memorized, should Gormaru suffer from the same attack again, his body will be more resilient against it, recovering quickly with lesser injury than before. This however does not negate the fact that Gormaru can still be harmed, wounded, or potentially killed from the same attacks during future encounters. Only that he has adapted well enough to survive such attacks with a better survival rate.

Carapace Shock: Gormaru can tuck himself into a ball, and with a charging rush, smash his entire weight into an opponent to send them crashing back. Despite this being used offensively, Gormaru can also use this method in manners of defense to shield himself against overwhelming attacks.

Terrestrial Restoration: Consuming magma from the Earth, or Gamma radiation from the weaken ozone layer will empower Gormaru. It will strengthen him physically as well as strengthen his Gamma prowess. This will also regenerate most injuries or wounds that he may have attained during a battle depending on how much is available to him. Gamma radiation from gamma plant cores will carry the same effects to some extent.

Consuming Restoration: If terrestrial restoration isn't available to him, and if a limb has been severed, than devouring living organisms can refuel and gradually heal Gormaru's body. However this option usually takes time due to digestion, making it a weaker method of regeneration.

Other Abilities:
-Gormaru is capable of breathing underwater but he cannot swim due to his incredibly large mass, however he can walk underwater.
-Incredible strength, capable of lifting and throwing twice his own body mass.

Appearance: Gormaru is a prehistoric slightly hunch over saurian with armor plated scales. Gormaru's armor scales are coated in the similar structured of an Armadillo Girdled Lizard, having its legs, arms, neck, tail, and generally its back entirely covered. Although his underbelly and everything else is armor-less and purely organic. Gormaru's body generally has a dark coloration in terms of his scales and overall his entire body. Beyond this, his organic flesh has a grey coloration. He has four claws, five toes, and the color of his eyes are a glowing fiery orange.

Personality: Gormaru's personality consists of the aspects of mankind's inhumanity. Hatred, wrath, and bottomless fury. The very horrors that have plague the world for centuries. During a battle, Gormaru will seek the end of his challengers, fighting with nothing held back in the effort of brutally crushing his opponents out of existence. It does not matter the place, nor how many lives are endanger of being lost in his wake, annihilation takes no prisoners only corpses. And while Gormaru's power is a tremendous force to fear, the most frightening quality of the beast is his unbelievable persistence. No matter how great a challenge may be, or how overwhelming a battle appears, Gormaru will pursue and fight to the very end. This sole trait is what makes Gormaru so horrific, because no matter what is thrown at him, he will always come back. Much stronger, and more merciless than the last time. If the horseman of War ever were a beast, it would be Gormaru.

Weakness: Extreme cold temperatures are a devastating weakness as it can cool down his blazing gamma core to the point of needing fuel to re-ignite its power. Once a certain drop in temperature has been exposed to Gormaru, he is unable to use his Gamma Breath until his body heats up again, or he finds fuel. The freezing of his gamma core to extreme cold can lead to a cellular shutdown of his regeneration. Hindering his pace of regeneration to a snail's crawl, making recovery almost impossible. Which will, in affect, force Gormaru into a weaken state of suspended animation.

During World War II, mankind had become monsters of their former selves. Lost to the void of pain, hatred, and suffering, victims of war and its Hell. Breeding corrosive barbs of inhumanity within their hearts. The consequence of this fall from grace ultimately manifested into the form of the Manhattan Project. Years of production, months of constant tests, such operations were conducted within classified locations, the main site being Mexico. Each passing day, was a day that lunged mankind's reach closer and closer towards creating the ultimate weapon to ever be conceived.

Marching forth with every achievable advancement, their blindness to the growing horror beneath their feet continued without fail. All except Dr. Yamane. A brilliant Japanese scientist prodigy, a loving father, and a unfortunate traitor of Japan. Relentlessly pressured and pursued by conflicted nations to create weapons of war, Yamane went into hiding, hoping to shield the remainder of his surviving family from the global warfare taking place around them. It wasn't until the Americans located him for recruitment for the Manhattan Project, did Yamane's world gradually collapsed.  After numerous rejections, the Americans persuaded him with the right incentive of protecting his family from the war. Added with benefits of citizenship, health benefits, and a home to live safely in, Dr. Yamane at long last was tossed into mankind's Hell. It was this day for his children's sake, that Dr. Yamane bitterly became a traitor of Japan.

Reluctantly carrying out gruesome Atomic tests and studying the effects within the test zones, Yamane soon discovered strange anomalies from the site. The lack of radiation fallout. Various seismic activities that mirrored the patterns of heart beats. And strange readings of gamma radiation rising and falling across the American operation's site and test zone. As further tests were scheduled, looking upon the horizon at the hazardous effects of their manifesting weapon, Dr. Yamane couldn't help but feel an ominous penance growing from the abyss of mankind's actions. For in their effort to stop monsters, they too were blindly becoming monsters themselves.

While various reports of great concern were documented to the attention of the American forces, Yamane's voice only met the silence of deaf ears. Although from behind the scenes, several scientific minds shared the same concerns as their foreign ally. But alas, in the time of war, sacrifices must be given while concerns must be set aside.  

On the day that "Little Boy" was launched, a new testing dubbed "Trinity Gamma" was conducted within the ruins of Mexico, this time a nuclear weapon constructed with the power of Gamma radiation was built. Years of atomic testing ultimately accumulated the emergence of a living Hell at the military site near Los Alamos. Coated in the ashes of war, the vessel of man's inhumanity, the Manhattan Project, was finally realized! The monster who would be later dubbed Gormaru, the first true Atomic Bomb, was born into the world of mankind.

In the pursuit of more radioactive fuel, Gormaru hunted down his lesser sibling("Little Boy") as its metal winged-carrier approached the country of Japan. Unfortunately this lead the monstrosity to Hiroshima, the very place Verga's remaining family were being temporarily kept until his work was completed. Destructively emerging from underneath the city as he sensed his prey to arrive at the specific location. In receiving the latest from their commanding officers, the pilot of the Enola Gay-Striker carried out a revised order. While winning the war was a important priority, erasing mankind's very own cataclysm was paramount. Thus engaged the bombing of Hiroshima. However, despite the American's change of action, the atomic horror had survived, and was made even more powerful than before. Infused with gamma radiation and the ravages of war, the monstrosity set history ablaze with a fury never before witnessed by human eyes. Laying waste to Hiroshima, while tragically taking the lives of Dr. Yamane's youngest daughter and permanently crushing half of his son's body. Plaguing the humanity with the true force of the Manhattan Project, the ancient horror was forever scorched into history. Ushering a world of devastation, with the fallout of a new age of monsters rising in his wake. Gormaru, Gamma Horror of the Deep, mankind's inhumanity made real, stood to be a nightmare that never disappeared.  

Since then, mankind has made many attempts to destroy Gormaru only to result in the loss of countless innocent men. This has lead humanity to create Havoc Corps, an Anti-Gormaru Deterrent military organization whose prime goal is destroying Gormaru once and for all.

<b>Biological Overview File:</b> Gormaru is a terrestrial subterranean monstrosity of ancient Earth, an advance organism that originated between Earth's mantle and the outer core. Supporting this theory are the collective remnants of Gormaru's Gamma Breath, as the oral blast itself while an exhalation of gamma radiation, leaves small traces of iron and nickel fluid. Fluid that matches the liquid property of Earth's outer core. Given this data through the works of radiocarbon-dating, studying recovered scales, and destructive encounters. Any possible educated assumptions believing Gormaru to be a distant relative of any known animals, are negated immediately. As it stands, Gormaru is an existence of its very own. Rooting from this study, it's believed that Gormaru's body potentially contains an organic chamber that naturally replicates and maintains the Outer Core fluid, a feat classified as a by-product mutation due to living deep within the Earth for millions of years.

Gormaru is also a creature capable of bipedal structure, while it can move about on all four legs, it can use its hind legs as well. By readjusting the condense fluid in his core, Gormaru can use it to weight himself down while using his heavy tail for grounded balance when moving about on his hind legs. In wanting to revert to his four legged stance, shifting the fluid and carrying the weight of his tall allows the monster to find its former footing. Although the transition takes a few moments to complete.

This adaptable structure carries further use as Gormaru is able to roll himself into an armored wrecking ball. Holding his tail within his maw before shifting the fluid in his body to help launch himself and change momentum during movement. With the weight of his body, the sheer force of its strike is ominously powerful.
In man's quest to understand his strange power more clearly, scientist look through Gormaru's structure and abilities for answers. Scientist believe Gormaru is capable of breaking down the fluid into flammable fuel for his Gamma Breath, while the bio-chemicals and gamma radiation within his system ignites the material into a explosive weapon. This potentially explains why Gormaru's eyes and body illuminate with a molten glow when preparing his weapon, as channeling the fluid would no doubt need extreme heat to prepare its use.

In the mystery of how he is able to absorb, use, and manipulate radiation, more directly, Gamma radiation still remains somewhat unclear. However the truth may reside from Gormaru's original habitat. Such an extreme environment would no doubt harbor an atmosphere of intense radiation, given this, it's scientifically presumed that Gormaru is a natural conduit of radioactive energy. This is noticeably clear given Gormaru's scales operate within the same function as solar technology due to a unique bacteria within his blood and tissue. Allowing him to absorb radiation and gamma rays from the environment around him through embedded veins within each scale.

This unique evolution also allows him to survive direct impacts of radiation from destructive nuclear weapons.  The bacteria consumes radiation, while doing so it rebounds any exterior force or heat with pulses of energy channeled from the outer-core fluid. Providing a mutual form of protective resistance for the host body. So aside from being extremely durable, Gormaru's armored exterior is a advancement of biology that makes him a formidable force.

With a extreme biology and abnormal habitat of origin, the mystery as to how such a monster came into existence still leaves human kind baffled. And understandably quite terrified.



Here is the official character sheet of my main giant monster: GORMARU!! Gormaru Gamma Horror of the Deep is a original monster that was inspired by the 1950 "Classical Golden Age" of Monster Cinema. An era that was also known as the "Atomic Age". Where almost every major giant monster movie had a monster born from an atomic origin-story. From "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms", "The Great Behemoth", "Them!!", and of course "Gojira" as well. All of which were mild inspirational pins for me to admire and study from.

While Gormaru's main foundation is based entirely on the Armadillo Girdled Lizard(which was my first pet when I was young), the character's direct nature is being a "Gamma-Monster". Given that I was a huge fan of Marvel's The Incredible HULK comics as a kid, I always imagined mutating my pet with gamma radiation into this huge towering monster. So yes, the HULK played a significantly large role during my creation process. Since then, I tried creating my own "Atomic Age" gamma-monster ever since I was 5 years old. What can I say, I was a young Dr. Frankenstein when I was growing up!

And now here he is, Gormaru Gamma Horror of the Deep! Completed! Finished! And ready to terrorize the world with his gamma-powered might!

(DESIGN UPDATE: I've made a slight update in Gormaru's design. From before his official character sheet didn't define his snout and face to capture his box-like features. So I've updated that!)

Last edited by Boogie209 on Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:19 am; edited 11 times in total
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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 3:08 am

O.O Gormaru....

GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Body+not+ready

Gormaru looks extremely badass and absolutely monstrous, so well crafted and creatively built. I can't wait to see more of him! Looks like I'll be following him and this series closely! Him, Hyo-Jin, and Vilenoc are all impressive sick, but of course Gormaru himself takes the crown on the epic scale Very Happy
Keep bringing on more updates on this beast whenever you can Boogie!
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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 9:55 pm

Agreed, Gormaru is godly sick monster! He has a towering bulk, intense powers and abilities, along with a very extraordinary creative appearance. Almost Zilla-like, but completely unique to set himself apart, I would love to see your kaiju in Kaiju Combat Very Happy
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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyThu Apr 17, 2014 9:50 am

Thanks guys, but I don't think I'm going to bring Gormaru over to that game, it doesn't feel like my cup of tea. Besides if I do, I rather wait and see if the game eventually gets developed completely into a finished product first before making any moves. ^_^
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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyWed May 14, 2014 1:06 am

Darn, it would have been epic to see Gormaru rampaging in a videogame, but yeah, CKC's community isn't exactly something you want to get mixed with, and their game has yet to be made into a reality.
Best to just keep Gormaru rampaging on his own than to have him stomp onto other grounds.
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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO EmptyMon Feb 15, 2016 3:30 am

2016 UPDATE!!! Very Happy

GORMARU has been given a very respectable update, not only in character profile, but in origin story, and official title as well. I'll explain each
detail to help digest this better!

1. Character Profile: Gormaru has received a nice update in appearance, I made his lower body more bulky in the area of his legs, the previous look
didn't sink well for me. Gormaru is a huge bulky giant monster, the more slim legs of the previous look didn't look like they could carry such a monster.
So they were given an increase in bulk to fix that. Another aspect changed is Gormaru has five toes instead of four, I did this since the Armadillo Girdled
Lizard has 5 toes, and wanted to reflect that in Gormaru's design since the monster's general foundation is based off the animal.

2. Origin Story: After deep reflecting, I've decided to give Gormaru a new origin story. One that stuck to the roots of him being the Manhattan project,
while also grounding his origin of him being a American-grown monster. This origin also reflects a deep connection of him being a gamma-based monster
so it's fresh take that I find perfect. In terms of human characters, it allowed me to have Gormaru set the stage for what's to come Wink

3. In terms of 'official title', originally it was once 'Atomic Horror of the Deep'. But I decided to change that recently after giving thought that if I want
Gormaru to stand out, then he should be more well-defined. 'Atomic Horror' was too simple and a bit too board of a title. A lot of things could fit being a atomic horror. But 'Gamma Horror', after thinking about it, it became more and more enticing. It connects and nails the root of Gormaru being a gamma irradiated giant monster, while also sounding more specialized to his character. This in turn, helps make Gormaru stand out better as an IP and as its
own unique monster.

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GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty
PostSubject: Re: GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO   GORMARU (Gamma Horror of the Deep) BIO Empty

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